Is therapy right for me?
Working with a therapist can help provide insight, support and new strategies for all types of life challenges. Therapy can help address many types of issues including depression, anxiety, conflict, grief, stress management, body-image issues and general life transitions. Therapy is right for anyone who is interested in getting the most out of life by creating greater self-awareness.
Therapy can be short-term, focusing on a specific issue, or long-term addressing more complex issues or ongoing personal growth. What many have found helpful is being an active participant both during and between sessions to process what has been discussed and integrated into your life.
What can I expect in a therapy session?
Each session is unique and tailored for each individual’s needs. Often appointments are scheduled on a weekly basis for 45 minute sessions. During a therapy session, it is common to process important issues, struggles, concerns, and other emotions that you are currently experiencing. At times the past will be discussed, in an attempt to understand your life patterns. Dreams, day dreams and fantasies are welcome. It can be beneficial to attend more than one session a week in an effort to build a more secure therapeutic relationship, to deal with a crisis, or to simply experience a more in-depth understanding of yourself and relationships.
Is therapy confidential?
In general, the law protects the confidentiality of all communications between a client and psychotherapist. Information is not disclosed without written permission. I practice according to NY state law in accordance with HIPAA. However, there are a number of exceptions; suspected child abuse, or dependent adult or elder abuse, if someone is threatening serious bodily harm to themselves or another, and, in some cases,substance abuse. Parents or law enforcement can be utilized if necessary in these cases.
What are the benefits to a psychodynamic approach?
People who undergo psychodynamic therapy continue to make gains after the therapy ends, perhaps because it addresses underlying psychological patterns that affect many areas of life. The therapist facilitates self-examination and self-awareness, and treats the whole person. Therapy emphasizes the examined life. Improved functioning means not only symptom improvement but a richer, freer life. In treatment, feelings are accepted and worked with on their own terms; therefore, the assumption is that negative feelings have their own origins, independent of logic. You are encouraged to follow thoughts and feelings where they lead, and consider the relationship between the past and the present. Your emotional reactions to the therapist are viewed as opportunities to rework problematic relationship patterns.
What is achieved by self-examination?
There are several ways that self-examination is helpful but mostly you learn the skills to explore emotions, examine avoidances, identify recurring patterns, discuss past experiences, focus on relationships, examine the therapeutic relationship, and value fantasy life, thus building core psychological strengths.
What if I want to use my insurance in or out of network benefits?
I am a participating provider for Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Cigna, and Magna Care, and able to accept out-of –network payments, & sliding scale payments. To determine if you have mental health coverage, the first thing you should do is check with your insurance carrier. Check your coverage carefully and find the answers to the following questions:
Do I have mental health benefits?
What is my deductible and has it been met?
How many sessions per calendar year does my plan cover?
What is the reasonable and customary cost to mental health professional services in my area for an out-of-network provider?
What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
Is approval required from my primary care physician?